An Exquisite Meal is a sharply satirical genre-bending journey through one absurdly terrifying dinner party in modern America, a darkly playful nightmare that’s full of punchlines and twists.
"The absurdist approach may frustrate those seeking more conventional storytelling, or a proper narrative for that matter. But for a sharpened skewering of internet-age snobbery, An Exquisite Meal is just the taste audiences are hoping to devour." --Film Threat
"It may not be what you’re expecting or what you’re used to, but “An Exquisite Meal” promises to take you on a wild, unpredictable ride. Writer/director Robert Bruce Carter is not afraid to present morbidity in a non-conventional, surrealistic manner in his first full-length feature. Add an almost Pythonesque sense of humor, and you’ve got something really special." --Tubi Tuesday